Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ed Failor: Someone in Iowa who wants YOU to pay higher taxes! The least credible US citizen alive! Ed Failor: Abject failure in venue planning!

How could "Iowans for Tax Relief" screw up so badly? How could they screw up any worse? ...It would be impossible. Note to self: If I ever need to purposefully screw up a job so bad it accomplishes the direct opposite of the intended mission, I NEED TO HIRE ED FAILOR. Indeed, even his name seems to indicate this tendency. It is the case of the headline quietly defining the genuine article.

If anyone has failed as a taxpayer advocate, and therefore as an American, it is Ed Failor. My evidence:

Fast Forward to 1:01:25 in this MP3 to find out how badly the Republican Party wants to shut down Ron Paul, so they can play with your money like a bunch of drunken Democrat socialists.

That's right, there is a traitor to America whose name is Ed Failor, who is the chairman of a group called "Iowans for Tax Relief". (Apparently by "Relief" they mean "Increases".)

How dare this little man criticize Ron Paul and his (unnamed) supporters? How dare he try to label Paul with the smear of "fringe"? How dare he and his tiny-brained little organization sell out the future of America to lick the boots of the mainstream power-hungry, tax-hungry "Republican" Party?

Ron Paul has done more to cut taxes than ANY OTHER AMERICAN POLITICIAN.

But some human failure named Ed Failor of "Iowans for Tax Relief" is going to try to shut him out.

Do they realize that Ghouliani can't look even halfway respectable when he's on the same stage with Ron Paul? Do they realize Giuliani looks like Nurse Ratched from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" when he criticizes Paul? Do they realize how asinine it is to call ANTI-GUN Giuliani a Republican, while they exclude the only Republican congressman that never voted for an unconstitutional tax, never voted for an unconstitutional gun control bill, and never voted for an unconstitutional bill of ANY KIND?!

This tiny little man, and his inept organization have decided that Ron Paul "isn't credible".

Why is that?

Could it be that it simply isn't "credible" for a major party candidate to believe that American citizens have INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS?

If this is the case, and this is how tiny the enemies of freedom are, who is really to blame for losing the freedom Americans once enjoyed?

Please, listen to the entire broadcast.

This complete JERK Ed Failor actually tries to hide behind the 501(c)3 classification of his backwards and comlpetely un-credible little organization as a reason for excluding Ron Paul. He tries to say that because "Iowans for Tax Relief(Increases)" is an "educational" tax exempt organization they are limited in who they can invite, and what they can say.

If this were true, the only thing it would mean is that they were cowards who were too afraid to exercise their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH. A taxpayer advocacy group that is that cowardly is best taken out behind the barn and put out of its self-imposed misery.

Of course, the 501(c)3 cop-out is a bald-faced, naked lie.

This man, Failor, is a shill for the unconstitutional military industrial complex. He hides behind cheap lies, smear tactics, and then tries to paint himself as a sympathetic "victim" of Congressman Paul's supporters. He repeatedly tries to paint himself as a victim of harassment in the course of the interview. Bless Jan Mickelson for pulling no punches and revealing him for what he is!

And let's say for a second that Failor was harassed at his home phone...

...It's far better than he would have been treated had he lived in the year 1775! In 1775 they tarred and feathered British Loyalists and sympathizers!

He can thank Ron Paul for being one of the few people left who still believes in American freedom that the level of discourse has been so civil.

Any American citizen who hears "Iowans for Tax Relief" try to derail the ONLY presidential candidate who favors TAX RELIEF should be able to see right through this guy's COMPLETE DECEPTIVE BULLSHIT CAMPAIGN.

Amazing the depths that Ron Paul's opposition will go to to try to derail American freedom...

Ed Failor. Remember that name. It is the name of a man who should not be trusted with any position as important as dog catcher. He is an obvious liar, or a fraud and incompetent. Either way, he deserves no responsibility for the future of freedom in America.

The logic of radio host Jan Mickelson shines through Failor's lies like the disinfecting power of the sun.

Ed Failor (organizational purity comes before achieving the goal of tax relief): "We (can't) lose organizational integrity". Mickelson: "Bull Hockey"

Listen to the MP3. Listen to it until it ends. Listen to the truth.

Then gauge for yourself how serious the threats to our Republic really are.

The mainstream powerwhores are trying to shut down Ron Paul.

Don't let them do it.

Paul might not win the primary (why say that he definitely won't? Even if that's what my faculty for reason tells me? I pray he does win, for the future of America!). Wayne Root will probably be the only choice for freedom on the ballot in 2008.

But a supposed "taxpayer advocate group" trying to sabotage Paul's campaign is DISGUSTING. They couldn't be greater advocates of taxation if they tried.

If "Iowans for Tax Relief" really favor tax relief, then so does the "Green Party", and the various incarnations of the "Socialist Workers' Party".

What a monumental lie coming from such tiny tiny people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wake Up, America! Vote Ron Paul in the Republican Primary if you want to keep your money, your guns, and your freedom!

-Jake Witmer, Freedom Lover.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Realistic thermal motion in nanotechnology animations...

I hope that people who want freedom become the "leading force" in nanotechnology. Otherwise, things could go badly for humanity.


If you are now considering strategies for freedom, you need to take into account the growth of up-and-coming power-destabilizing technologies.

More information here:

-Jake Witmer

Friday, January 26, 2007

The coming Anchorage Municipal initiative - that "allows" unlimited taxi cab permits

(The one above loads faster, but doesn't print as nicely as PDF document below)

Above are two links to the legal decision approving the taxi-cab permit initiative for ballot access. Seeing how it is a right to drive a cab, protected by the American idea of property rights (you own your own labor), the dissenting opinion (that states that "cab permits" are a city resource) has no merit whatsoever.

By the same logic, one's individual right to do anything is a "city resource" until they "give you" the permission to do it. Should we all beg permission to work from the state? If so, how many "permits to work" will they issue to their (capitalist, pro-freedom) political enemies? How many "permits to work" will the businesses of honest citizen politicians get?

Every libertarian should mention to his or her friends that voting in favor of this initiative is the right thing to do. Again: Libertarians should heavily promote this initiative, out of general principle.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Viable Libertarian Presidential Candidate for 2008

A nationwide race that broadcast the word "Libertarian" into every household would be a beautiful thing for Alaskan freedom. (It would be a beautiful thing, in general.) And that's why I'm supporting Wayne Allyn Root for President of the United States of America. This might change, he might decide not to run. As of now though, he is far and away the best choice the Libertarian Party has of reaching a wide enough demographic to make them a serious force in the 2008 (and thus 2012) presidential election(s). Root is an avid opponent of prohibition, and he has enough media ties, and enough money, to run a serious race. You can help support his candidacy by buying a copy of his book, Millionaire Republican. Root announced yesterday 01-24-2007 that he is strongly supporting the Libertarian Party as an alternative to the major parties. Root has long considered himself a Republican, but has finally tired of the Republican Party stabbing him in the back in the name of puritanism and Nanny-State religious zealotry. He rightfully notes that the US is engaged in battling nutjob Islamic religious extremists (who think they will get to heaven by blowing up US citizens) and thus shouldn't give radical religious extremists in our own country the power of government (who think they'll get to heaven by jailing US citizens for exercising their rights to private property).

Given that Alaska will have its own initiative to legalize gambling on the ballot in 2008, it would be a blessing to have a serious presidential candidate that belives we all own the dollars in our own bank accounts. This is the basic foundation of individual property rights: do you own your own wealth, and can you decide how to use it? Or does the government own your wealth, and by extension, your life? The appropriately-named congressional parasite Jim Leach (R-Iowa) was a cosponsor of the recent ban on online gambling. He states that the internet equals: "crack cocaine for gamblers. Never before has it been easier to lose so much money so quickly so young."

And he thus points to the heart of the issue, and, being stupid, comes to the wrong conclusion.

Yes, people will lose all their money gambling. People will also lose all their money opening restaurants at about the same odds. Should that be illegal too?

People will drink themselves to death too. Should that be illegal too? Prohibitionists still think so, because they don't belive in individual freedom, or the freedom to make bad choices. But the freedom to choose can't allow the freedom of new thought, if "bad choices" are outlawed. Why? Because those who wish to outlaw "bad personal choices" lack imagination. They can't imagine the possible difference between an intelligent risk, and a bad risk. Ultimately, these same kind of Nanny-state scumbags think that online investing should be illegal, even though it has dramatically increased the wealth and quality of life for millions of Americans. Why? Oh my! --It's a risk.

Risk is good. America is a nation built on risk. Shooting redcoats dead was a huge risk.

But getting rid of moralizing jerks that want to steal from us, (in the name of some imaginary divine right), was deemed worth it at the time. So the minutemen loaded their guns and killed King George's men. And now we have a new King George who taxes us a lot more than the one early Americans violently rejected.

The leech from Iowa is right. Gambling IS like crack. It's a choice that frequently works out badly for those who choose it. But, just like smoking crack, or using meth, or committing suicide, or having unprotected sex, it's a choice that free men should be allowed to make.

If we don't own our own bodies our own drugs, our own lives, we don't own our own medical choices. We therefore don't have any right to own private property.

And not being able to own private property has turned America into one more miserable socialist country. Lurching along on the remnants of the industrial revolution, but squashing initiative by government edict. Until two years ago, you could have asked William Dobelle. He was a researcher who left the USA to finance a lab in Lisbon Portugal. Why leave the USA?

Because the moralizing Nanny-State drug warrior jerks that the American public elected drove his research out of the country. Why? --He was doing "risky" research that resulted in a working cybernetic cure for the blind. The FDA wouldn't "approve" his research (which involved brain surgery performed on consenting adult volunteers).

But without a country that believed in property rights, he lost millions moving his lab to Lisbon, where blind people were allowed to TAKE THE RISK OF SURGERY TO CURE THEIR BLINDNESS. A few blind people did just that. I mean c'mon people! If America is so unfree it drives out a cure for blindness, how screwed up has it become? Has America utterly lost its spine --and all of the freedom that once made it great?

Who knows how far along a blindness cure would be now, if it weren't for the theocratic ruling class within the US government? If the government can prevent you from making an unconventional or risky bad decision, it can prevent you from innovating and making an unconventional good decision as well. How many people remain in darkness because of the FDA? How many people lost fortunes by not being allowed to gamble online? We may never know their individual stories.

Either you own private property (after all, you own your own body, don't you? ...Or are you a literally an owned slave?), or the government owns YOU.

It's time for Americans to reassert their property rights. Root is one of the guys trying to make it happen. The difference will be enormous.

Or we can hand over our rule of law to the leeches in congress, and the thugs who enforce their laws from within the alphabet soup of government agencies that now have unlimited license to bully US citizens.

The ATF bullies gun owners, and liquor and tobacco shops. The DEA bullies drug users and sellers. The FDA bullies vitamin shops, health advisors, researchers, and doctors. The IRS bullies everyone. The EPA bullies ranchers, hunters, developers and farmers. City and State governments bully home-schoolers. The DOJ bullies microsoft.

I could go on, but the list would be a hundred pages long. Government has overstepped its bounds by violating our property rights with its many prohibitions.

Let's rebuild a free Alaska, and a free United States. The foundation we need to build is the foundation of the US Constitution: property rights. Without property rights, we don't own the molecules that make up our own bodies and our own brains. We don't own the atoms of the very neurotransmitters that make freedom of thought possible.

And without freedom of thought, there is nothing but an anti-intellectual socialist wasteland, like the one depicted in George Orwell's "1984", and Ayn Rand's "We the Living", where those with political connections rule the rest of us with an iron hand.

If only the average voter could be somehow made aware of the cost of ignoring the political philosophy of limited government! ...And that's where Wayne Root comes in. ...On the side of the same battle that Sam Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Lysander Spooner, and Barry Goldwater once fought.

Monday, January 15, 2007

If you want Alaska to be a Free State...

The best thing you can do is contribute financially to "Stomp the Ban"

The Alaska Libertarian Party has gained massive political capital by sticking up for the property rights of smokers and bar owners. If you want to be a part of the first wildly successful State Libertarian Party in the nation, send a few bucks to some libertarians who are actually doing something!

Why let imaginary things such as "State allegaince" to the police state where you live stand in your way? After all, you're already with us philosophically? Why not take the extra step and join our strategy for freedom as well?

Liberty in Our Lifetime!
