Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Intentions for the Coming Blog...

Here is a brief open letter to fellow libertarians and individualists describing my view of Alaska as THE place for individual freedom in the USA. I have seen the opportunity, and I want to share that with you, so that we can exploit that opportunity before Alaska is just another one of 50 police states.

During my time as a ballot access petitioner for the Libertarian Party, I've noticed that there are many difficult hindrances to individual freedom in the lower 49 that are not obstacles in Alaska. The primary obstacle in the lower 49 is the voters: they are spineless wimps that have lost the spirit of a free people. Instead of recognizing that the government is meant to be a tool for justice that is comprised of the people, they wish to give the government (people they don't know) the responsibility of managing their retirement, educating their kids, protecting them from all harms (real and imaginary), and developing new technology. Initiative and backbone is what they have traded for this view.

Alaskans, on the other hand, are rough and ready to weather the cold when the going gets tough. They know that free trade is good, but not at any price... So they never traded in their individualist spirit.

This is not universally true, and Alaska has its share of socialist leeches.

...But it is a better climate for liberty than any other state. The people are not hopeless wretches with no soul.

They are gunowners. They are builders. They have a frontier mindset. Even their criminals are more individualist than most of the ones I've met in the lower 49.

Also, in AK, the Libertarians need to elect 20 state legislators to begin decontrolling, whereas in New Hampshire (the democratic choice of the lauded "Free State Project") they need to elect 201 (NH has the largest state legislature in the US).

If libertarians are honest (not a character trait that benefits politicians) and are chosen for their ideas (not how camera friendly they are), then how can we find 201 electable libertarians? --Answer: we can't. The game is rigged against us.

But we could find 21 in Alaska.

Get a copy of "Freedom For Alaskans" by Dick Randolph. Get a copy of Harry Browne's "Why Government Doesn't Work". Get a copy of "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross. Read them.

Then move to Alaska, and start talking to Alaskans. Let them know you're a libertarian. Run for office as a Libertarian, a Republican, or anything else you like. If you get elected, caucus with Vic Kohring (a libertarian Republican who is ideologically pretty distant from the other protectionist/fascist "Republicans" in office). Once elected, endorse other libertarians once you've earned a reputation as a tax-cutter, decontroller, and gun rights activist.

Make freedom happen! If the ideological Founders of the USA (like George Mason) could have prevented rule by King George with a vote, they would have found a way! Let's not let our own King Georges off so easily...

Ronald Reagan proved that all it takes is uttering generalities and wearing a friendly face in public. Imagine how good it could have been if it wasn't all just acting! What if he was a towering intellect like Harry Browne or Leonard Peikoff? What if he was consistently pro-freedom, once elected?

As a person who's talked with tens of thousands of people all across the USA, I rate Alaska as the likeliest place for freedom to take hold. I did ~8,000 ballot access signatures in Texas and ran a team that did ~12,000 more than that. People can roughly be broken into two groups: those who will vote for liberty when given enough education, and those whose education is virtually impossible (or cost prohibitive) due to prejudice, bad memes, or defective equipment.

The cost of electing a libertarian is lower in Alaska than in any other state when you take into account the attitudes of the general public.

The general public in Alaska relies on tourism as a MAJOR trade. If "vices" are legalized in AK, tourism will BOOM. It will become a new party destination. If the FDA is made unwelcome in AK, people will go there to retire and live a long time. If we trade with Amsterdam, and the rest of the world on our ports, the US can't blockade us. Moreover, Alaska has enough gunowners to forcibly expel the ATF if they won't leave voluntarily (See the book "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross) and the DEA (see the book "The New Prohibition" ed Bill Masters).

There are also private mints in Alaska, and mints willing to coin new objective currency that doesn't inflate. Imagine an objective-value currency with Lysander Spooner's face on a single gold or silver coin! Imagine schoolchildren taught by privately hired industrialists, engineers, and writers (instead of nanny-state government bureaucrats). Imagine a science class where the value of a dollar is found by specific gravity and water-displacement of gold! Imagine economics 101 being taught to sixth-graders by someone like Walter Williams because the college kids were ready for his 400 level course at noon! Imagine hydroponic farms powered by the wind! Imagine building without codes, zoning, or planners (save those that were voluntarily agreed upon...). Imagine Buckminster Fuller's buildings on mountainsides. Imagine a booming future economy!

It's all possible in a vibrant marketplace where no idea is squashed by the might of the state!

Alaska is where it's going to happen. Where it has to happen...

...Unless we decide to let China take the lead in "limited economic freedom", and relegate ourselves to cut-rate status.

There is a fork in the road, and we're moving towards the ditch in the center at 50 miles an hour in political time. Do we jerk the wheel towards Alaska and our newfound freedom, do nothing and wind up in a socialist cesspool, or do we turn the wrong way and get a dictatorship of the masses?

This is my view. I will post in greater detail in the future. I will also link to more eloquent minds than my own, with more detailed works that are labeled and categorized to minimize wasting your time with things you are not interested in.

Thanks for reading me...


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